May 5: PaleoKino – Cinema Before 1914 Films from the birth of the cinema to the Great War by Thomas Edison, The Lumiére Brothers, Georges Méliès, Edwin S. Porter, D.W. Griffith, Otis Turner, Roscoe Arbuckle, others
May 12: New York City 1903-1931 Films by Paul Strand, Billy Bitzer, Robert Florey, Jay Leyda, Thomas Edison, Edwin S. Porter, others
May 19: Paris 1926 Ménilmontant France, 1926 Dir. Dimitri Kirsanoff with Natalia Sibirskaia, Yolande Beaulieu and Guy Belmont and Rien que les heures France, 1926 Dir. Alberto Cavalcanti
May 26: Berlin 1928 Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt aka Berlin Symphony of a Metropolis Germany, 1928 Dir. Walter Ruttman